
A feature rich, cost effective alternative to Webflow

With Ycode, enjoy built-in features such as Authentication, Filter Forms, and Airtable integration. Skip the third-party integrations often needed with Webflow.

Ycode vs. Webflow: A Side-by-Side Look at Features & Pricing

Both Ycode and Webflow stand out as advanced no-code website tools with CMS capabilities. However, Ycode offers not just its own CMS but seamless Airtable integration. Its native User Authentication enables user-generated content and member-centric projects. Plus, Ycode forms can save data to either the CMS or Airtable, and allow real-time collection filtering for an elevated user experience.

Ycode stands out in affordability. Pro plan starts at a mere $25/month, and in contrast to Webflow's $19/editor monthly charge, Ycode generously offers unlimited editors. This difference translates to significant savings, positioning Ycode as a top choice for budget-conscious designers and agencies.

Compare plans
Ycode Pro
$25 /mo
Billed $300 every year
Webflow Business
$39 /mo
Billed $468 every year
Site features
Team members Free From $19/mo per seat
Authentication Unlimited From $20/mo per user
Airtable integration Unlimited From $20/mo per user
Filter forms Unlimited From $20/mo per user
Form file upload Unlimited From $20/mo per user
Workflows Unlimited From $20/mo per user
Asset management Unlimited From $20/mo per user
Zapier integration Unlimited From $20/mo per user
Automatic responsive image generation Unlimited From $20/mo per user
Editor mode Unlimited From $20/mo per user
Components Unlimited From $20/mo per user
Animations Unlimited From $20/mo per user
CMS items 12,000 10,000
CMS collections 40 40
Fields per collections Unlimited 60
References per collection Unlimited 10
Localization 3 locales for Free $29 per locale/mo
Hosting and traffic
GDPR compatibility 10 GB 10 GB
Bandwidth 10 GB 10 GB
Monthly visits 300,000 300,000
301 redirects 250,000 10,000
Sitemap controls 250,000 10,000
Custom canonical URL 250,000 10,000
Customer support Email and Live chat Email
Editor mode

Your client can work with content through a CMS or visually on a canvas without breaking the design.


Create connections between collections, such as assigning an author to each blog post.

Pagination types

Choose between "Pages" or "Load more" type of pagination.

Filter OR conditions

We do not limit ways of filtering you collection items.

Connected relations

Use reference fields to access data in all possible ways.


Already have your content on Airtble? Use it as your website CMS.

Design properties

Ycode offers a visual interface that you can control and customize all aspects of CSS design.

Layer styles

Establish a consitent design system for any element.

Export & import HTML

Want to use your design elsewhere? Export any element or an entire page to HTML.

Data forms

Build form to create and edit collection items.

Filter forms

Let users filter and find content on your website.


Set up sign up and login. display content based on user types.


Connect form with your private API, that is already set up.


Set up triggers to send emails, display elements or create and edit CMS items via forms.

GDPR compatibility

Choose between "Pages" or "Load more" type of pagination.

Code export service

Want to continue on your own? Use code export service.

Dynamic SEO

Built-in SEO tools to help your website perform at its best.

Already using Webflow?

Switch to Ycode today and get 1 year of Pro plan for Free.