Content elements are an essential part of any webpage or application. These elements primarily consist of text-based components such as headings, paragraphs, and lists, and play a crucial role in organizing and presenting information to users.
To help you add the best content to your website we have a few elements to help you, these are:

When writing a paper, we’re taught to make use of headings to give our text structure. We start with a Heading 1 for the paper’s title and add subsequent headings as we move on to subtopics.
This same principle applies to websites, both to increase the readability for visitors and to help search engines better understand the content.
To structure your text, you can use Heading 1 to Heading 6—and everything in between. You can select the type of heading, by adding the heading element, and with it selected go to the right-hand side to the Settings, here you will have a Tag option with headings for 1 to 6.
Paragraphs are block elements with text inside. They’re best used for website intros or quick descriptions.
The element contains a dummy text that you can replace by double-clicking on the text. You can type or paste your text directly on the canvas.
You can use rich-text elements to add long-format texts anywhere on your website.
To format your text, double-click on the element on the canvas, this will open a window pop-up that will take half of your screen. Here you will be able to not only add content but format it with the options available on the top toolbar.
the top toolbar includes the following formatting options:
Heading 1, 2 and 3
Bold text
Italic text
Stroke through text
Bullet list
Numbered list
Code segment (this won’t run code it’s just a text block to make your code snippet easier to read for your website visitors)
Youtube video
Text is perfect for short text, like a price label attached to a product.
With this element, you have more flexibility, this HTML element is in-line, creating a tag, which means the code is added on the same line.