Display settings

To manage how (and how much) content is shown, you can use Pagination, Sorting, Filters and Conditional visibility. This can be controlled in the Settings panel.


The more blog entries you have, the longer your page gets. You can add more pages by adding the pagination link block at the end of your overview page.

You can style the previous and next buttons as you like, but you cannot add any other elements to this wrapper.


Use Sort order to sort data based on specific fields.

For example:

  • Created date

  • Updated date

  • Name

  • Any other field in your local database


To keep things exciting, you might not want to reveal everything upfront (this tip can also be used in dating).

For example: Instead of displaying all of your blogs, you might only want to show your blogs from a specific category, or written by a certain author, or published in a set time range.

A filter can help you specify which data will be shown in an overview. 

Applying sorting and filters

To apply a filter, select the parent level on which you’ll connect the source. For example, the container that’s connected to the blog database.

  1. Connect the Source in the dropdown menu

  2. Pick a value to Sort by

  3. Decide on the Order, either ascending or descending

  4. Then click + Add filter and create your own filter using the data fields and rules

Conditional visibility

Conditional visibility lets you hide and display elements based on criteria.

Let’s say you have a page that shows all your blog entries. Below each blog entry, there is a text element that displays the category name it belongs to. 

When you want to hide this text element for certain categories, you can use conditional visibility. 

With a condition, you can tell Ycode "show the category text element for Features, but not for Product".

Conditions can apply to any field that’s available in the database table.

Applying conditions

In your canvas, first, select the element to which the condition should apply. Then in the Settings tab on the right-hand side, select + Add condition

In the dropdown menu, you’ll see all the fields you’ve added yourself and the default fields.

Select a field and then set the rule. For each chosen field the available rules can differ.

For example, for the Name field, your options are:

  • Is

  • Is not

  • Contains

  • Does not contain

  • Is present

  • Is empty

Then add the value and select Add. Your conditional rule now applies. If you hide an element, you should see it disappear.

You can add as many conditions as you like, but be aware that all rules will then apply. So: [Category is New features] AND [Author is Megan].

Remove a condition any time by clicking on the Trash icon next to it.